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Writer's pictureRomerworld

Boxer update - 01

Updated: Apr 9, 2023

We have been really busy over the last couple of weeks on both the Boxer and the Caddy. We're trying our best to divide and conquer across the two with multiple project happening in the background, some jobs just need a few pairs of hands.

The baton work went up in the Boxer which involves quite a lot of specific and detailed measurements to get just right. Things like ensuring the spot lights are located in the right place, measuring back from the skylights and dodging the cabinets etc.

We tend to sit our baton panels in around 10mm from each each edge, which gives them a nice consistent frame throughout. All the panels are first measured up and pre cut to the right shape, we then mark them up (which is an incredibly time consuming task) but this reinforces the consistent boarder even futher.

We measure the batons at a width that makes sense for the overall look and feel. Some can be 80mm and some 60mm. Which ever allows us to have a better and more balanced boarder.

Once cut, each panel is then offered up and set in place by hand, using spacers to ensure each panel is level and sits the same distance away for its nearest edge.

The screws and their respective holes are all predrilled to make sure they marry up across each board. Some require additional screws to negate any potential bowing. These screws are also measured to the exact mm to keep the lines flowing throughout.

We also add 9mm backing strips. These are included for two reasons the first is functional as it helps keep the panel strong and ridged, and the second is that aesthetically it creates a great shadow gap behind the baton work, bringing them of the carpeted wall by 9mm. We've really played with this technique over the last year and think it's something we're more than happy to keep doing even though its tricky and has loads of steps.

We cut each panel from the same board (if possible) maintaining the grain across the cuts is a very beautiful way of ensuring the internal spaces feels considered and connected.

The ceilings are always quite challenging, mainly because you're working over head trying to hold full sized panels up that have to be absolutely spot on from a distance and measurements perspective.

On the whole though, as tricky as it is to get these right it's so so worth the time and effort. I didn't mention above the work that has to go in to finishing them, rounding them off, sanding from 120 - 180 - 240 twice after each coat of Osmo (of which they require 2 haha) but honestly, we enjoy the work and the outcome is completely aligned with how we want our conversions to look and feel.

As ever if you have any questions or want to accomplish something similar in your own conversation then get in touch.

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3 Kommentare

24. Apr. 2024

Stunning work and attention to detail.

I'm looking to use birch ply for my cabinets - do you use 15mm thickness?

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10. Apr. 2023

Looking so beautiful after all that work and attention to detail

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Ed Carter
Ed Carter
10. Apr. 2023

Beautiful detail work as always! Thanks for sharing.

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